Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Four Habits of Healthy People

The are many ways to lose weight, although some are definitely better than others. What matters, however, is keeping it off. Research show that only about 5% of people who take off substantial amounts of weight manage to keep it off.

So the smart people who publish the Harvard Medical Newsletter wondered, "What do the 5%, years later, have in common in terms of health habits?" The answer is in a way, not much, but in another way, profoundly revealing:

1. They exercise. Yup. In fact the greatest predictor of long term weight loss success is exercise. Our bodies were designed to work hard, and we must do it periodically to be healthy.

2. They eat breakfast. More on this subject later, but bet you knew it'd be here with the healthy habits.

3. They eat a "food pyramid" diet. At least 50% of their calories come from carbs, about 20% from protein and about 30% from fat.

4. They monitor themselves regularly. This may mean weighing, or, as I do, use that pair of jeans that you should be able to slip into easily. Especially for women, the scale may lie, but the clothes don't.

Don't wait to make these your habits. Give yourself the best Christmas present of all. And ask for help when you need it.


Kathryn Mackel said...

Here's a challenge I hope you'll accept re: the food pyramid. A friend of mine is living according to the gospel preached in Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories. It's basically an Atkins diet that he says is provenly better for us than any carbs because of insulin production in response to carbs. She swears by it as do many, many others but as a Weight Watcher, I believe in the Pyramid and moderation. She's challenged me to read the book but you're a better candidate, Janice, because of your background. Taubes is a science writer for NYTimes and she says there's a lot of scientific data in the book. I'd love your opinion, and I'm sure your blog friends who are dealing with diabetes would also love to hear your take.

It's only 400+ pages. You can knock it off before New Year's! (P.S. I'll buy it for you)

Kathryn Mackel said...


Here's the amazon link if you'd like to check it out